Thursday, September 13, 2012

Power of the Narrative - Storytelling to Release New Potential

The power of the narrative trend is growing rapidly in corporate America. Why? Because we work in the midst of extreme complexity. Things are changing so rapidly, if we do not stay somewhat current, we can be left behind in a matter of days.

Storytelling, today, has become a new art form. Ever seen one of those videos of someone drawing pictures on a whiteboard, only the drawing is going at a high rate of speed - and, someone is narrating the story as each new picture is revealed? It's engaging isn't it?

It keeps your interest and it encompasses your three primary channels for receiving information and learning. You see and hear it as you internalize the message and integrate what you see and hear with your feelings. Definitely beats a "talking head" or "boring powerpoint at #10 font" doesn't it? 

ZFactor Publishing has seen this trend coming and has positioned itself to be a thought leader in mastering the power of the narrative to help individuals breakthrough the complexity of the situations they face day to day and achieve the results they desire, and more.

This is essential for us to achieve our mission to Reveal and Release Untapped Potential in today's complex and accelerating paced environments. Please engage with us as we move through this journey to bridge the gap between traditional publishing, digital publishing and the new developing territory of narrative publishing. Let's do some on the job learning, together.

~ Alan Goldsberry, Author and CEO of ZFactor Group Publishing

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