Friday, November 2, 2012

Glowing Embers - A Little Idea Sets Off a Roaring Fire

I love to play with a good campfire. I love everything about getting the campfire started - that's probably why I've done so many start-ups and love working with folks making something new happen.

I've got some great stories about building campfires in all sorts of weather conditions, but the absolute best memories are all the friendships made and deepened around a good campfire. I'm an Eagle Scout, my two sons are Eagles, as is an older brother and many other friends - all Eagle Scouts. So, between Scouts and all the other camping trips I've done as an adult, I've built a fair number of campfires. And, will be doing that this weekend as we head out for a campout with good friends. Some gourmet cooking, great wine and a good campfire to get warm and cozy.

A well built campfire starts with good dry bits of kindling. I've seen many novices take a little paper, add some big pieces of wood on top and set a match to the paper. When the paper quickly burns out they look for more paper or lighter fluid and give it another go. The best method is to start tiny, then a couple of small twigs and then little bit bigger twigs. As a flame gets going, add a bit bigger twigs and then some small sticks - until you hear the snap and crackle of the sticks. You've now got a fire to begin building. Just like anything else, you always have to start small, first.

There's something magical about a good campfire. People are drawn into the campfire, especially as it burns down to the glowing embers. My wife loves to imagine herself being small and walking through an ember forest. A good campfire left undisturbed overnight, will be ready to fire up in the morning. Initially the embers are covered with a light gray ash, yet with a little kindling and a few puffs on the glowing embers, a bit of smoke appears and then a flame. I love to watch small children and even some older adults as they see a new fire be born, with just a little bit of effort.

So, it goes with Glowing Embers. They may be covered with a little ash, but give them a kindling of an idea and a little bit of breeze and they can burst into a raging campfire, once again. Get those fires a'ragin'.

God Bless,

~ Alan Goldsberry, Author and CEO of ZFactor Group Publishing

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with you on the hypnotic effect of a campfire or any "friendly" fire. Have always felt the same way and have had many grand experiences around a small fire. Well written, Alan. One of my favorite posts!
