Monday, November 26, 2012

Legacy "To Infinity and Beyond!"

You gotta love the attitude of Buzz Lightyear, an animated robot, obviously without any means of propulsion, yet believes he can fly "to infinity and beyond." This is one of my favorite quotes of which I have many favorite quotes. Sticking with the cartoon theme, I especially like the final cartoon strip of 'Calvin and Hobbes' when Calvin says, "It's a magical world, Hobbes ol' buddy. Let's go exploring!" 

These type of quotes inspire people who seek to live life large and leave a meaningful legacy. I believe these quotes clearly demonstrate how an authentic servant-leader remains focused on the here-and-now with an internal drive to make a difference. Their day-to-day actions to meet people where they are, believe in the magic and mystery of life and love; and serve them in all the ways they can, as long as they can - yet, the infinity of their impact on the lives and situations of others happens long after their deaths. Now that is a meaningful legacy.

My wife, Cindy, and I took a weekend trip with her parents to the River Walk in San Antonio, Texas. It was the perfect Chamber of Commerce weather for strolling along the River Walk, people watching, a little shopping and fine dining. 

As we strolled along we came upon the local Salvation Army band performing at the Arneson Theater along with a men's choir from Houston. This is a unique theater where the audience sits in an amphitheater on one side of the river with the stage on the other side. The band and choir were performing the classic Christian gospel songs and the crowd was toe tapping, hand clapping and children dancing. 

As I scanned the crowd, the love for people and the joy of service exuded from each member of the Salvation Army, as they expressed their love of Christ through their actions, as opposed to words.  As I observed each uniformed member, I envisioned I was watching the Founders of the Salvation Army in action. The lives of William and Catherine Booth are the epitome of servant-leaders captured by an inspiring moment and putting their faith to work to serve others.

Almost 150 years from the founding of the Salvation Army, it is clear how the simple, God inspired lives of the Booths have achieved "to infinity and beyond." I am struck by the magnitude of how one couple's faith-in-action has changed lives and communities, time and again through the lives of millions. Now, that is what makes this planet a truly magical world. People choosing to love and serve others. This is just another experience that confirms my perspective that I've witnessed infinity once again - and this time on the River Walk. Makes me pause and be really curious about what is beyond.

Live the magic of life,

~ Alan Goldsberry, Author and CEO of ZFactor Group Publishing

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