Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What You Think Determines Your Legacy. Where Are You?

You are here. Welcome. Not to be flippant with you, but you are here, right now. Thank you for being here and taking some of your valuable time. I promise to create some value for you.

What are you thinking and saying to yourself, right now? What will you be thinking, saying and doing when you finish reading this? Will you stop reading here and go on about your day or will you take another few moments that will make a difference for you and your legacy?

60,000 Thoughts a Day

You have 60,000 thoughts a day. What percentage are positive and what percentage negative? How many of those thoughts are focused on where you are and who you are being now? 

How will you spend your day? What will be your dominant thoughts and actions throughout the day? At any moment, you can take a breath and check in on your thoughts and what you are saying to others. And, you can choose to make appropriate changes that work for you and others around you.

You are what you think. What you think influences what you do and what you do determines where you are. On a scale of 1 to 10 how does where you are now represent where you want to be and ultimately your legacy? 10 being you are definitely in your sweet spot.

Thinking is a Skill - Needs to be Developed

This is not rocket science, nor is it some new age mumbo jumbo. Thinking is a skill to be learned and developed. How would you rate your ability to think about what you want to think about? How often does someone's statement or some comment on TV make you react with a statement that just flies out of your mouth like someone pushed the Play button on a video? 

3 - 3 - 3

Before you speak think 333.
  1. Count to three (3).
  2. Have you said what you are going to say three (3) times or more?
  3. Will what you say make a difference three (3) minutes from now, three weeks, three months, three hundred years...?
Take the next few moments and notice how many of your thoughts are influenced by some external stimulus. If the majority of your thoughts and what you say are stimulated by external sources, you have not developed your most valuable asset - your thinking skills.

Think of a time when you intentionally shifted your thinking from negative to positive. Learning to shift your thinking from inside is not only a good skill to develop, it is the most essential skill necessary for achieving your goals and ultimately leaving a legacy that makes a difference.

Thought + Action = Result

If you want to know your past thoughts and actions, simply assess where you are now, your results. If you want to change your future results, change the way you think and the actions you take. What thoughts and actions will give you the results you want? 

It really is this simple and it takes real intention and work to make it happen.

What you think will determine your legacy.

~ Alan Goldsberry, Author and CEO of ZFactor Group Publishing

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