Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Servant Leader Framework Series (A Lasting Legacy)

Several previous blogs have been about building your legacy. This next series of blogs focus on what I believe to be the most rewarding ways to build a sustainable legacy that makes a difference.

Based upon my experience and the numerous leaders I know and have coached, those who truly decide to be authentic servant leaders experience all the best of life and success. Not to say there aren't challenges, setbacks and failures. Bad things do happen to good people. Yet, that's life and if you are truly committed to building a sustainable legacy, becoming a servant-minded leader, in my opinion, is the only way to make it happen.

I've recently begun polishing off a book project I began in 2008, which for a variety of reasons got delayed. Priorities changed pretty quickly when my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, she is incredibly healthy and a three plus year survivor. As we got back into more normal life, in late 2011, I got busy with a couple of authors (one of which is my wife) to publish the first three books of the ZFactor series of books, which we wrote and published in ten months. Now, my five year old book project is calling loudly to be completed.

"The Servant Leader Framework" is actually the foundation for the ZFactor Coaching Methodology used in all ZFactor books. Each book focuses on a specific market niche and each author is an acclaimed industry expert. The premise is simple in the books:
  1. Successful people think and act differently.
  2. You are what you think. (Thought + Action = Result) Change your mindset, change your life.
  3. Thinking is a skill that takes practice and coaching to reveal and release your full potential.
  4. When you know who you are, where you are and what to do - you make it happen. (the books reveal a series of defining characteristics of success).
  5. A xy graph is utilized as the power tool to accelerate getting focused and staying focused on the right things at the right time with the right people to achieve goals and objectives. 
ZFactor has proven to accelerate performance improvement because people quickly know what thoughts and actions to change to get the results and success they desire. This is based upon several years experience using the ZFactor Coaching Methodology with a variety of professionals, executives, managers and leaders in a various industries and roles.

The Servant Leader Framework is for those individuals in leadership roles and emerging leaders who know they are being called to make a difference and build a lasting legacy. 

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing parts of the upcoming book and I am always open to any and all comments.

To get the greatest benefit for the time you spend with these blogs, take a look at the xy graph below and ask yourself: Which quadrant best represents who you are as a servant leader?

Then ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the defining characteristic, trait or behavior that best defines why you selected the quadrant you did?
  • What is one change you can make that will move you from that quadrant to another quadrant?
  • When will you make that change?
More to come...

Thanks for reading my various blogs and have a great day!

~ Alan Goldsberry, Author and CEO of ZFactor Group Publishing

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