Saturday, March 2, 2013

What's Your Lifetime Value Potential?

You can easily estimate how much money you will make over your lifetime. Have you ever pondered on your potential to create value for others over your lifetime?

Through my work with ZFactor Group, I get to see people make this simple shift in their mindset. Imagine the possibilities when you focus on creating value for others. My experience is when people do this, their lifetime earnings potential increases substantially.

This is why ZFactor publications focus on Revealing And Releasing Your Untapped Potential. When people choose to think, act and communicate differently, it's like they have finally found that essential key to success.

ZFactor books helps others find their key for success by providing a:
  1. Simple map to plot where you are; 
  2. Compass to determine the direction you want to go; and, 
  3. Guide of defining characteristics to help you know what to do to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
Through our various engagements with others - comments from readers, presentations, coaching sessions or workshops - we are continually amazed at how quickly people shift the way they think about their current situation as they recognize where they are and have a simple map. As people embrace thinking differently, they immediately find themselves in the midst of a personal transformation that propels them from me-focus to others-focus

There is no complicated formula or long drawn out training or session-after-session with a guru to figure out the meaning of life. It begins with stop focusing on yourself and focus on others. Sometimes, it can even be as simple as a good friend, Peter Strople, describes how one question can create Instant Change

It is in this transformation when people immediately become what we refer to as Value Creators. Instantly, their expertise, knowledge, talents and skills can be focused on moving their life forward and/or a new idea, concept, project, team or organization. The result - other people benefit as you increase their financial value and your lifetime financial value potential increases, as well. And, being others focused doesn't have to be about financial value.

So, what's your choice? Will you maintain a me-focus or will you ponder the question - "What's Your Lifetime Value Potential?" If you are ready for Instant Change in your life, you will choose to ponder the question, engage into thinking, acting and communicating differently and develop a deep understanding for making a difference and creating value for others. 

If you choose to ponder the question, I guarantee your life will change and you will experience all you have ever imagined possible and most likely experience the impossible, as well.

Happy pondering...

~ Alan Goldsberry, Author and CEO of ZFactor Group Publishing

ZFactor blog explores and discusses a variety of techniques, tools and discoveries by successful people that will assist others to achieve greater personal and professional success. ZFactor is a proprietary coaching methodology based upon the premise that successful people think and act differently. The ZFactor methodology is proven to accelerate a person's ability to think and act differently.

The genesis of this blog is based upon a current engagement by ZFactor Author, Cindy Goldsberry, who is in collaboration with Zilliant, who provides companies with data-driven guidance, enabling smarter pricing and sales decisions to help businesses increase profitable sales. Read Cindy's blog for more information. Learn how Zilliant is definitely a Value Creator for their clients. In fact, they can measure how much more financial financial they provide to their clients.

Other Important Links:

Instant Change (Friends of Peter)

Lifetime Earnings Calculator

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks, Alan. Brilliant thinking and hits home! This is exactly what I needed to confirm that my focus is indeed on others, outer-focused. It has been a long journey but it is as if I am finally home. You write well and clearly -- keep them coming!